Dreamy, Sanitized Sleep

Mango comforter club

You’ll rest easy knowing you did your part to eliminate all the invisible dirt, germs and allergens pets and playdates brought to your beds. We’ll do our part to extend the life of one of your home’s most important style statements through commercial cleaning. All spots are pre- and post-treated as necessary, and your comforters get the ultimate clean from the space and professional action of our large capacity machines.

We provide 3-day service — which is uniquely Mango — as most cleaners want a full week!

Membership in the club costs nothing. Just send your comforter to Mango and voila, you’re in the club. It works like this: When we clean and return a comforter, you receive a Cuddly Comforter Certificate which gives you the opportunity to have that or another comforter cleaned for a special price which is less than half price, within the next 90 days.